The 2017-2027 Decadal Survey for Earth Science and Applications from Space (ESAS 2017) will help shape science priorities and guide agency investments into the next decade. The survey, sponsored by NASA, NOAA, and the USGS, is driven by input from the scientific community and policy experts. It will develop a community-led assessment of the state of knowledge in the field; identify and prioritize questions for the next decade; provide recommendations for programmatic directions and explicit priorities for government investment in research and facilities, including space flight missions; and provide a forum to address issues of advanced technology, infrastructure, interagency coordination, education; and international cooperation. (See

For NASA, the Decadal Survey will recommend NASA research activities to advance Earth system science and applications by means of a set of prioritized strategic “science targets” for the space-based observation opportunities in the decade 2018-2027. For each science target, the committee will identify a set of objectives and measurement requirements/capabilities for space-based data acquisitions. For NOAA & USGS, the Decadal Survey committee’s recommendations will be framed around national needs, including, but not limited to research priorities.
Dr. Ardanuy sits on the ESAS Weather and Air Quality Panel. The Panel met most recently 12-14 September, at the Keck Center of the National Academies. Joe Pica (Director of the NWS Office of Observations) and Jim Yoe (physical scientist at NOAA’s National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) and the chief administrative officer for Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation) are shown below briefing the Panel on National Weather Service (NWS) Vision on Satellites and Forecasting in an open session.