
April 5, 2013
We all know the devastation that wildfires can cause. We see the footage of billowing smoke, exhausted firefighters, and evacuated houses. We hear the containment statistics day by day as the raging fire is brought under control. And then – it’s out. Life goes back to normal. Or does it? There is a whole world...
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If you’ve ever had to spend any time in a hospital, you probably learned more than you wanted of the ailments, concerns, and stories of the patient on the other side of the curtain, the woman in line in front of you, or the man looking for help at the nurse’s station. There is a...
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Monitoring the climate is important work. Only with decades of surface temperature values and sea level measurements is it possible to accurately model climate change. Even more measurements are needed to understand current and potential impacts from shifting climates. Ocean and atmospheric CO2 levels, algal blooms, volcanic aerosols, ozone depletion, animal and plant species migration,...
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A couple seedlings catch a ride on someone’s dog or pant leg, and before you know it, buckthorn is shouldering out your grazing lands, cheatgrass is increasing the frequency of wildfires by stealing moisture from native plants, or the deceptively attractive water hyacinth has covered over entire bodies of water causing flooding, displacing water fowl,...
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